This guide provides detailed technical information about document chunking capabilities in the Aurelio SDK. Chunking is the process of dividing a document into smaller, semantically meaningful segments for improved processing and retrieval.

Chunking Flow

Chunking Options

The SDK provides a flexible chunking API with several configurable parameters:

class ChunkingOptions(BaseModel):
    max_chunk_length: Optional[int] = Field(
        default=400, description="The maximum chunk length for the chunker"
    chunker_type: Optional[Literal["regex", "semantic"]] = Field(
        description="The chunker type, either regex or semantic",
    window_size: Optional[int] = Field(
        default=1, description="The window size for the semantic chunker"
    delimiters: Optional[List[str]] = Field(
        description="Optional. The regex delimiters for the regex chunker",
max_chunk_lengthint400Maximum number of tokens per chunk
chunker_typestr"regex"Chunking algorithm: "regex" or "semantic"
window_sizeint1Context window size for semantic chunking
delimitersList[str][]Custom regex delimiters for regex chunking

Chunking Methods

The SDK offers two primary methods for chunking documents:

  1. Direct chunking of text content via the chunk function
  2. Chunking during file processing via the []extract function](file-extraction)

Direct Text Chunking

def chunk(
    content: str,
    max_chunk_length: int = 400,
    chunker_type: Literal["regex", "semantic"] = "regex",
    window_size: int = 1,
    delimiters: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> ChunkResponse:
    """Chunk text content into smaller, semantically-meaningful segments."""

Usage Example

from aurelio_sdk import AurelioClient

client = AurelioClient()

text = """
Long document text that needs to be chunked into smaller segments.
This could be multiple paragraphs of content that would benefit from
semantic chunking for better processing downstream.

response = client.chunk(

# Access the chunks
for chunk in response.document.chunks:
    print(f"Chunk {chunk.chunk_index}: {chunk.content[:50]}...")
    print(f"Token count: {chunk.num_tokens}")

Chunking During Extraction

When processing files, chunking can be enabled with the chunk=True parameter:

response = client.extract_file(
    chunk=True  # Enable chunking

# Access the chunks from the extraction response
for chunk in response.document.chunks:
    print(f"Chunk {chunk.chunk_index}: {chunk.content[:50]}...")

Chunking Algorithms

The SDK supports two chunking algorithms, each with different characteristics and use cases.

Regex Chunking

The default chunking method uses regular expressions to split text based on delimiters.

Key characteristics:

  • Fast and deterministic
  • Respects natural text boundaries like paragraphs
  • Works well for well-structured documents
  • Less compute-intensive than semantic chunking

Best for:

  • Well-formatted text with clear paragraph breaks
  • Large volumes of documents where processing speed is important
  • Situations where chunk boundaries are less critical

Example with custom delimiters:

response = client.chunk(
    delimiters=["\n\n", "\n###\s+", "\n##\s+", "\n#\s+"]  # Custom delimiters

Semantic Chunking

A more advanced algorithm that attempts to preserve semantic meaning across chunk boundaries.

Key characteristics:

  • Preserves semantic meaning across chunks
  • More compute-intensive than regex chunking
  • Creates more coherent chunks for complex content
  • Better respects topical boundaries

Best for:

  • Complex documents where semantic coherence is important
  • Content that will be used for semantic search or LLM context
  • Documents with varied formatting where regex may struggle

Example with window size:

response = client.chunk(
    window_size=3  # Use larger context window for better semantic boundaries

The window_size parameter controls how much surrounding context is considered when determining chunk boundaries. Larger values preserve more context but increase processing time.

Window-Based Processing

Semantic chunking uses a sliding window approach to maintain context across chunk boundaries.

Impact of Window Size

Window SizeContext PreservationProcessing SpeedUse Case
1 (default)MinimalFastestBasic chunking needs
2-3ModerateMediumBalanced approach
4+MaximumSlowerHigh-precision needs

Response Structure

The chunking response provides detailed information about each generated chunk:

class ChunkResponse(BaseModel):
    status: TaskStatus = Field(..., description="The status of the chunking process")
    usage: Usage = Field(..., description="Usage")
    message: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Message")
    processing_options: ChunkingOptions = Field(
        ..., description="The processing options for the chunker"
    document: ResponseDocument = Field(..., description="Processed document")

Each chunk contains:

class ResponseChunk(BaseModel):
    id: str = Field(..., description="ID of the chunk")
    content: str = Field(..., description="Content of the chunk")
    chunk_index: int = Field(..., description="Index of the chunk in the document")
    num_tokens: int = Field(..., description="Number of tokens in the chunk")
    metadata: Dict[str, Any] = Field(
        default_factory=dict, description="Metadata of the chunk"

Recommendations for Effective Chunking

General Guidelines

  • Choose the right algorithm: Use regex for speed, semantic for meaning preservation
  • Set appropriate chunk sizes: 300-500 tokens works well for most applications
  • Customize for your content: Adjust parameters based on document structure

By Content Type

Content TypeRecommended ChunkerMax Chunk LengthWindow SizeNotes
Technical documentationregex4001Often has clear section breaks
Academic paperssemantic3502Complex ideas need semantic coherence
Legal documentssemantic3003Precise context preservation is critical
News articlesregex4501Well-structured with clear paragraphs
Transcriptssemantic5002Spoken language benefits from semantic boundaries

Performance Considerations

  • Regex chunking is significantly faster (5-10x) than semantic chunking
  • Processing time increases with document size and window size
  • For very large documents (>1MB of text), consider preprocessing into smaller segments

Advanced Usage: Custom Delimiters

For regex chunking, you can provide custom delimiters to better match your document structure:

# Custom delimiters for Markdown documents
markdown_delimiters = [
    "\n##\s+",  # ## Headers
    "\n###\s+",  # ### Headers
    "\n\n",      # Double line breaks
    "\n\*\*\*\n" # *** Horizontal rules

response = client.chunk(

Common delimiter patterns:

  • Headers: "\n#{1,6}\s+" (matches Markdown headers)
  • Paragraphs: "\n\s*\n" (matches paragraph breaks)
  • List items: "\n\s*[-*•]\s" (matches list markers)
  • Sections: "\n\d+\.\s+" (matches numbered sections)

Error Handling

from aurelio_sdk import AurelioClient, APIError

client = AurelioClient()

    response = client.chunk(
except APIError as e:
    print(f"Chunking error: {e.message}")
    # Fallback to regex chunking
    response = client.chunk(